kDee is very sweet and kind hearted her match is Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz.

Avery is one of my friends that is going to school for music. He wants to be a producer/mixer and he raps. I chose Apollo the sun god, because he was also the god of poetry, music, and all that fun stuff.

Things I dislike:
1.) I painted directly on the people I was illustrating, but didn't find anything to capture the quality of my sketches onto skin. So that was a pretty big fail for me. I was using brush pen, but it bled and got all yucky and pretty much looked like rubbish.
2.) I am so insanely busy with working full time, my other summer class, and preparing to leave for vacation on Sunday, on top of a hundred other things going on in my life that I didn't have a lot of time this week I was going to print it out on vellum and make the nice spreads again for the previous week and this week to match the first entries more, but alas.
3.) Arranging times to meet up with people was kind of hard and blocking out an hour to paint them.
4.) I didn't finish Kdee's sketch yet, I am creatively drained/falling into the I don't give s*** category, hence the much needed vacation for the summer.
5.) I don't know why jakes bio is underlined in blue like a link, I couldn't get that to go away.
Things I do like:
I really like the illustrations by themselves in the tempera instead of watercolor I think that was improved and I'm satisfied with them especially the robot <3
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